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LLM Powered Data Processing#

Prompt extractions using LLMs enable you to perform powerful data processing activities on Kolena and use the LLM outputs in variety of ways across the platform. We will go over the details in this document.


Kolena is using on-prem models that do not require export of any customer data outside of data services used to run the application.


LLM powered property extraction can be configured from the Dataset Details page. Scroll to he bottom to create new extractions or see existing ones.

Access LLM Prompt Extraction Access LLM Prompt Extraction

Access LLM Prompt Extraction

Prompt based extractions consist of three main components.

Field Name: a unique name that will be used to reference the extractions across the platform

Model: the model you wish to use to execute the prompt on. Currently Kolena supports Llamma 3.1-8b, Llamma 3.1-70b, Llamma 3.1-405b, Llamma 3-8b, Llamma 3-70b and Mixtral-8x7B

Prompt: instructions on you wish the LLM to execute. Using the @ sign you can reference dynamic fields from dataset and model results in your prompt.


If a prompt has only references to the dataset fields, it is represented as a property of your dataset and can be used to create test cases.

If a prompt had references to results and (or) datasets, it is considered a property of the results and can be used to create metrics.


When working on a new prompt, use the Try it out button on the prompt configurator to see a sample of 50 extractions and tune your prompts accordingly.


1 - Translations

Imagine working on a dataset with text fields in a language that you are not familiar with. Using the LLM based extractions you can translate text fields into a language you are familiar with. An example prompt would be:

Please translate the following text to English: @datapoint.mandarin-text

2 - Categories

You can use the prompt based extractions to create categories of large texts that can be used in your analysis of model performance. For example the following prompt generates categories base don article summaries that can be used to setup Test cases on Kolena:

Provide a category name for the following article summary: @datapoint.text_summary If you are not sure what the category is, response with "Unknown". Do NOT include additional information in your response. Do not use upper case in your response.

3 - Evaluations

You can use this feature to evaluate your text based model results. For example if you are using an LLM for summarization tasks and want to evaluate multiple models, you can use the following prompt to assign a score to each model and use that score to create a metric for model evaluation:

Given the following article details and article summary, provide a score of 1 to 5 on completeness of the summary. Do NOT provide the reasoning in your response. Do not include any additional information besides the score. If the article summary is missing, respond with "unknown". Article details:@datapoint.article-details Article summary:@result.article-details