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Object Detection (2D)#

Experimental Feature

This pre-built workflow is an experimental feature. Experimental features are under active development and may occasionally undergo API-breaking changes.

Object Detection (OD) is a computer vision task that aims to classify and locate objects of interest presented in an image. So, it can be viewed as a combination of localization and classification tasks.

This pre-built workflow is prepared for a 2D Object Detection problem and here is an example of using this workflow on the COCO dataset.

TestSample #

Bases: Image

The Image sample type for the pre-built 2D Object Detection workflow.

metadata: Metadata = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The optional Metadata dictionary.

GroundTruth #

Bases: GroundTruth

Ground truth type for the pre-built 2D Object Detection workflow.

bboxes: List[Union[LabeledBoundingBox, LabeledPolygon]] instance-attribute #

The ground truth LabeledBoundingBoxes or LabeledPolygons associated with an image.

ignored_bboxes: List[Union[LabeledBoundingBox, LabeledPolygon]] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The ground truth LabeledBoundingBoxes or LabeledPolygons to be ignored in evaluation associated with an image.

Inference #

Bases: Inference

Inference type for the pre-built 2D Object Detection workflow.

bboxes: List[Union[ScoredLabeledBoundingBox, ScoredLabeledPolygon]] instance-attribute #

The inference ScoredLabeledBoundingBoxes or ScoredLabeledPolygons associated with an image.

ignored: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Whether the image (and its associated inference bboxes) should be ignored in evaluating the results of the model.

ThresholdConfiguration #

Bases: EvaluatorConfiguration

Confidence and IoU ↗ threshold configuration for the pre-built 2D Object Detection workflow. Specify a confidence and IoU threshold to apply to all classes.

threshold_strategy: Union[Literal['F1-Optimal'], float] = 'F1-Optimal' class-attribute instance-attribute #

The confidence threshold strategy. It can either be a fixed confidence threshold such as 0.3 or 0.75, or the F1-optimal threshold by default.

iou_threshold: float = 0.5 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The IoU ↗ threshold, defaulting to 0.5.

min_confidence_score: float = 0.0 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The minimum confidence score to consider for the evaluation. This is usually set to reduce noise by excluding inferences with low confidence score.

multiclass: Optional[bool] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Optional flag to choose whether the SingleClass or Multiclass evaluator is run. If unset, the evaluator is determined based on the number of distinct labels in test data.

ObjectDetectionEvaluator(configurations=None) #

Bases: Evaluator

This ObjectDetectionEvaluator transforms inferences into metrics for the object detection workflow for a single class or multiple classes.

When a ThresholdConfiguration is configured to use an F1-Optimal threshold strategy, the evaluator requires that the first test case retrieved for a test suite contains the complete sample set.

For additional functionality, see the associated base class documentation.

upload_object_detection_results(dataset_name, model_name, df, *, ground_truths_field='ground_truths', raw_inferences_field='raw_inferences', gt_ignore_property=None, iou_threshold=0.5, threshold_strategy='F1-Optimal', min_confidence_score=0.01, batch_size=10000, required_match_fields=None) #

Compute metrics and upload results of the model computed by compute_object_detection_results for the dataset.

Dataframe df should include a locator column that would match to that of corresponding datapoint and an inference column that should be a list of scored BoundingBoxes.


Name Type Description Default
dataset_name str

Dataset name.

model_name str

Model name.

df DataFrame

Dataframe for model results.

ground_truths_field str

Field name in datapoint with ground truth bounding boxes, defaulting to "ground_truths".

raw_inferences_field str

Column in model result DataFrame with raw inference bounding boxes, defaulting to "raw_inferences".

gt_ignore_property Optional[str]

Name of a property on the ground truth bounding boxes used to determine if the bounding box should be ignored. Bounding boxes will be ignored if this property exists and is equal to True.

iou_threshold float

The IoU ↗ threshold, defaulting to 0.5.

threshold_strategy Union[Literal['F1-Optimal'], float, Dict[str, float]]

The confidence threshold strategy. It can either be a fixed confidence threshold such as 0.5 or 0.75, or "F1-Optimal" to find the threshold maximizing F1 score.

min_confidence_score float

The minimum confidence score to consider for the evaluation. This is usually set to reduce noise by excluding inferences with low confidence score.

batch_size int

number of results to process per iteration.

required_match_fields Optional[List[str]]

Optionally specify a list of fields that must match between the inference and ground truth for them to be considered a match.



Type Description

compute_object_detection_results(dataset_name, df, *, ground_truths_field='ground_truths', raw_inferences_field='raw_inferences', gt_ignore_property=None, iou_threshold=0.5, threshold_strategy='F1-Optimal', min_confidence_score=0.01, batch_size=10000) #

Compute metrics of the model for the dataset.

Dataframe df should include a locator column that would match to that of corresponding datapoint and an inference column that should be a list of scored BoundingBoxes.


Name Type Description Default
dataset_name str

Dataset name.

df DataFrame

Dataframe for model results.

ground_truths_field str

Field name in datapoint with ground truth bounding boxes, defaulting to "ground_truths".

raw_inferences_field str

Column in model result DataFrame with raw inference bounding boxes, defaulting to "raw_inferences".

gt_ignore_property Optional[str]

Field on the ground truth bounding boxes used to determine if the bounding box should be ignored. Bounding boxes will be ignored if this field exists and is equal to True.

iou_threshold float

The IoU ↗ threshold, defaulting to 0.5.

threshold_strategy Union[Literal['F1-Optimal'], float, Dict[str, float]]

The confidence threshold strategy. It can either be a fixed confidence threshold such as 0.5 or 0.75, or "F1-Optimal" to find the threshold maximizing F1 score.

min_confidence_score float

The minimum confidence score to consider for the evaluation. This is usually set to reduce noise by excluding inferences with low confidence score.

batch_size int

number of results to process per iteration.



Type Description

A DataFrame of the computed results