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Set up rigorous and repeatable model testing in minutes.

In this quickstart guide, we will use the 300 Faces In the Wild (300-W) example dataset to demonstrate test data curation and model evaluation in Kolena, using both the web app and the kolena Python SDK.

Using the SDK

If you would like to use the SDK for this quickstart follow these instructions to set up the SDK and set up the code example locally.

First, install the kolena python SDK:

pip install kolena
poetry add kolena

Then, clone the example code:

git clone

The kolenaIO/kolena repository contains a number of example integrations to clone and run directly. Set up the keypoint detection example for this quickstart:

cd kolena/examples/dataset/keypoint_detection
poetry update && poetry install

Step 1: Upload Dataset#

Model evaluations on Kolena starts with datasets. Datasets are structured assembly of datapoints you wish to use for model testing and evaluation.

To get started, navigate to and click Import Dataset then Select From Cloud Storage. Using the explorer, navigate to s3://kolena-public-examples/300-W/ and select 300-W.csv.

Generating Datasets

See the keypoint_detection/ script in the code example for details on how the dataset was generated.

The keypoints in 300-W.csv have been defined using kolena.annotation.Keypoints from the kolena SDK. See the above script for example usage.

You will now see a preview of how the information is going to be consumed by Kolena.

Give your dataset a name and select locator as the ID field. The ID field uniquely identifies a datapoint and is used when uploading model results to associate results with datapoints.

Click Import to create the dataset. Once the import has completed, you can add descriptions and tags to organize your datasets.

Example Dataset Upload Example Dataset Upload
Example Dataset Upload

The example code contains a script keypoint_detection/ which will process the CSV file s3://kolena-public-examples/300-W/raw/300-W.csv and upload it to Kolena using the upload_dataset function.

First, let's first configure our environment by populating the KOLENA_TOKEN environment variable. Visit the Developer page to generate an API token and copy and paste the code snippet into your environment:

export KOLENA_TOKEN="********"

We can now register a new dataset using the provided script:

poetry run python3 keypoint_detection/

After this script has completed, a new dataset named 300-W will be created, which you can see in Datasets.

Step 2: Upload Model Results#

Model results are supplied as tables containing the ID field chosen when uploading the dataset. For this example, we will upload the results for the open-source RetinaFace (RetinaFace option) keypoint detection model and a random keypoint model.

To upload new model results, from the Details tab of the dataset, click on Upload Model Results in the upper right. Then, select Upload From Cloud Storage. Using the explorer, navigate to s3://kolena-public-examples/300-W/results/ and select random.csv. This CSV file contains model results for the random keypoints model for each of the datapoints we uploaded to the dataset.

Generating Model Results

See the keypoint_detection/ script in the code example for details on how results were generated.

You will now see a preview of how Kolena will ingest the model results. Click Import to upload the model results.

Example Results Upload Example Results Upload
Example Results Upload

Repeat the above steps with the file retinaface.csv.

The example code contains a script keypoint_detection/ which will compute metrics on a CSV of model results and upload them to Kolena.

poetry run python3 keypoint_detection/ RetinaFace
poetry run python3 keypoint_detection/ random

Results for two models named RetinaFace and random should now appear

Step 3: Explore Data and Results#

Once you have uploaded your dataset and model results, you can visualize the data using Kolena’s plotting tools.

You can quickly see the distribution of any datapoint or model results field in the Distributions tab.

Distribution Plots Distribution Plots

Distribution Plots

Additionally, you can create custom plots in the Debugger tab. For example, click Add Model in the top left and select the random model. In the plotting widget at the bottom, select datapoint.normalization_factor as the x-axis and result.mse > mean as the y-axis to plot these two fields against each other.

Custom Plots Custom Plots

Custom Plots

Step 4: Define Quality Standards#

Quality Standards define the criteria by which models are evaluated on each dataset. A Quality Standard consists of Test Cases, which organize your data into key scenarios, and Metrics, which define key performance indicators. Metrics can be configured in groups depending on your needs.

Define Test Cases#

To configure test cases, navigate to the Quality Standards tab and click on Create Test Cases. Select datapoint.condition to create test cases based on the condition field. Select Save Test Cases button to save your test cases to your Quality Standard.

You will now see that your dataset has been organized into test cases based on the condition field. Any Metrics you define will be calculated on each test case.

Creating Test Cases Creating Test Cases

Creating Test Cases

Define Metrics#

To configure Metrics, from the Quality Standards tab, click Define Metrics, select Add Metric button and select result.mse > mean option. Rename the metric to Average MSE, and select Lower is better as the highlight. Repeat these steps for result.nmse > mean.

Defining Metrics Defining Metrics

Defining Metrics

Step 5: Compare Models#

Once you have configured a Quality Standard, the Metrics you define will be calculated across all Test Cases. To compare the results across models, navigate to the Quality Standards tab and add random model to the table using the Add Models button in the top right. Then, add the RetinaFace model to compare its performance to the random model.

You will now see all metrics in the Quality Standard computed on every test case in the Quality Standard. Metrics in this view will also be highlighted according to how much they improve/worsen compared to the reference model. In this example, RetinaFace performs better than the random model over the entire dataset as well as over all test cases we defined earlier.

Comparing Models Comparing Models

Comparing Models


In this quickstart, we used an example integration from kolenaIO/kolena to integrate data from the 300 Faces In the Wild (300-W) dataset, created test cases, and tested the open-source RetinaFace keypoint detection model.

This example shows us how to quickly and easily integrate test data and evaluate model performance in Kolena, and can be arbitrarily extended with additional metrics, plots, visualizations, and data.