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Important Notice for Dataset Users

This page is no longer relevant for users who have adopted the new Datasets feature for creating tests. Please refer to the Datasets documentation

Packaging for Automated Evaluation#


In addition to analyzing and debugging model performance, we can also use the Kolena platform to create and curate test cases and test suites. Kolena can automatically compute metrics on it for any models that have already uploaded inferences. In this guide, we'll learn how to package our custom metrics engine such that it can be used in this automatic evaluation process.

To enable automatic metrics computation when applicable, we need to package the metrics evaluation logic into a Docker image that the Kolena platform can run. The following sections explain how to build this Docker image and link it for metrics computation on the Kolena platform.

Build Evaluator Docker Image#

We will use the keypoint detection workflow we've built in the Building a Workflow guide to illustrate the process. Here is the project structure:

├── docker/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── Dockerfile
├── keypoint_detection/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── poetry.lock
└── pyproject.toml

The keypoint_detection directory is where our workflow is defined, with evaluator logic in and workflow data objects in The will be the entry point where test is executed.

From the workflow building guide, we know that metrics evaluation using test involves a model, a test_suite, an evaluator, and optional configurations:

test(model, test_suite, evaluator, configurations=configurations)

Note: test invocation

Ensure that reset=True is NOT used in the test method when you only want to re-evaluate metrics and do not have the model infer logic built in the image. The flag would overwrite existing inference and metrics results of the test suite, therefore requires re-running model infer on the test samples.

When executing test locally, the model and test suite can be initiated by user inputs. When Kolena executes test under automation, this information would have to be obtained through environment variables. Kolena sets up following environment variables for evaluator execution:


The main script would therefore be adjusted like code sample below.

import os

import kolena
from kolena.workflow import test

from .evaluator import evaluate_keypoint_detection, NmeThreshold
from .workflow import Model, TestSuite

def main() -> None:

    model = Model(os.environ["KOLENA_MODEL_NAME"])
    test_suite = TestSuite.load(

    test(model, test_suite, evaluate_keypoint_detection, configurations=[NmeThreshold(0.05)])

if __name__ == "__main__":

Now that we have the main script ready, the next step is to package this script into a Docker image.

FROM python:3.9-slim AS base

WORKDIR /opt/keypoint_detection/

FROM base AS builder

RUN python3 -m pip install poetry

COPY pyproject.toml poetry.lock ./
COPY keypoint_detection ./keypoint_detection
RUN poetry install --only main

FROM base

COPY --from=builder /opt/keypoint_detection /opt/keypoint_detection/
COPY --from=builder /opt/keypoint_detection/.venv .venv/

ENTRYPOINT [ "/opt/keypoint_detection/.venv/bin/python", "keypoint_detection/" ]
#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -eu


echo "building $IMAGE_TAG..."


docker build \
    --tag "$IMAGE_TAG" \
    --file "docker/Dockerfile" \
    --build-arg KOLENA_TOKEN=${KOLENA_TOKEN} \

This build process installs the kolena package, and as such needs the KOLENA_TOKEN environment variable to be populated with your Kolena API key. Follow the kolena Python client guide to obtain an API key if you have not done so.

export KOLENA_TOKEN="<kolena-api-token>"

Register Evaluator for Workflow#

The final step is to publish the Docker image and associate the image with the Keypoint Detection workflow.

Kolena supports metrics computation using Docker image hosted on any public Docker registry or Kolena's Docker registry. In this tutorial, we will publish our image to Kolena's Docker registry. However, the steps should be easy to adapt to public Docker registry.

The repositories on Kolena Docker registry must be prefixed with the organization name. This is to protect unauthorized access from unintended parties. Replace <organization> in script with the actual organization name and run it. This would push our Docker image to the repository and register it for the workflow.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -eu


WORKFLOW="Keypoint Detection"


# create repository if not exist
poetry run kolena repository create --name "$ORGANIZATION/$IMAGE_NAME"

echo $KOLENA_TOKEN | docker login -u "$ORGANIZATION" --password-stdin $DOCKER_REGISTRY

echo "publishing $TARGET_IMAGE_TAG..."

docker push $TARGET_IMAGE_TAG

echo "registering image $TARGET_IMAGE_TAG for evaluator $EVALUATOR_NAME of workflow $WORKFLOW..."

poetry run kolena evaluator register \
  --workflow "$WORKFLOW" \
  --evaluator-name "$EVALUATOR_NAME" \

In, we used Kolena client SDK command-line kolena to associate the Docker image to evaluator evaluate_keypoint_detection of workflow Keypoint Detection. You can find out more of its usage with the --help option.

Using Automatic Metrics Evaluation#

At this point, we are all set to leverage Kolena's automatic metrics evaluation capability. To see it in action, let's first use Kolena's Studio to curate a new test case.

Head over to the Studio and use the "Explore" tab to learn more about the test samples from a given test case. Select multiple test samples of interest and then go to the "Create" tab to create a new test case with the "Create Test Case" button. You will notice there's an option to compute metrics on this new test case for applicable models. Since we have the evaluator image registered for our workflow Keypoint Detection, Kolena will automatically compute metrics for the new case if this option is checked. After the computation completes, metrics of the new test case are immediately ready for us to analyze on the Results page.


In this tutorial, we learned how to configure Kolena to automatically compute metrics when applicable, and why it brings values to model testing and analyzing process. We can use these tools to continue improving our test cases and our models.


Evaluator runtime limits#

Currently, the environment evaluator runs in does not support GPU. There is a maximum of 6 hours processing time. The evaluation job would be terminated when the run time reaches the limit.

Testing evaluator locally#

You can verify the evaluator Docker image by running it locally:

docker run --rm \
  -e KOLENA_MODEL_NAME="example keypoint detection model" \
  -e KOLENA_WORKFLOW="Keypoint Detection" \

You can find a test suite's version on the Test Suites page. By default, the latest version is displayed.


In this tutorial, we published an evaluator container image to, Kolena's Docker Registry. In this section, we'll explain how to use the Docker CLI to interact with

The first step is to use docker login to log into Using your organization's name (e.g. my-organization, the part after when you visit the app) as a username and your API token as a password, log in with the following command:

echo $KOLENA_TOKEN | docker login --username my-organization --password-stdin

Once you've successfully logged in, you can use Docker CLI to perform actions on the Kolena Docker registry. For example, to pull a previously published Docker image, use a command like:

docker pull<docker-image-tag>

If you're building Docker images for a new workflow, use the kolena command-line tool to create the repository on first. As mentioned in Register Evaluator for Workflow, the repository must be prefixed with your organization's name.

poetry run kolena repository create -n my-organization/new-evaluator

After the repository is created, we can use the Docker CLI to publish a newly built Docker image to

docker push

Using Secrets in your Evaluator#

If secret or sensitive data is used in your evaluation process, Kolena's secret manager can store this securely and pass it as the environment variable KOLENA_EVALUATOR_SECRET at runtime.

Update the evaluator register command in docker/ to pass in sensitive data for the evaluator:

poetry run kolena evaluator register --workflow "$WORKFLOW" \
  --evaluator-name "$EVALUATOR_NAME" \
  --image $TARGET_IMAGE_TAG \
  --secret '<your secret>'

Using AWS APIs in your Evaluator#

If your evaluator requires access to AWS APIs, specify the full AWS role ARN it should use in the evaluator register command.

poetry run kolena evaluator register --workflow "$WORKFLOW" \
  --evaluator-name "$EVALUATOR_NAME" \
  --image $TARGET_IMAGE_TAG \
  --aws-assume-role <target_role_arn>

The output of the command would look like:

  "workflow": "Keypoint Detection",
  "name": "evaluate_keypoint_detection",
  "image": "",
  "created": "2023-04-03 16:18:10.703 -0700",
  "secret": null,
  "aws_role_config": {
    "job_role_arn": "<Kolena AWS role ARN>",
    "external_id": "<Generated external_id>",
    "assume_role_arn": "<target_role_arn>"

The response includes the AWS role ARN that Kolena will use to run the evaluator Docker image, aws_role_config.job_role_arn, and the external_id, aws_role_config.external_id, to verify that requests are made from Kolena.

To allow Kolena's AWS role to assume the target role in your AWS account, you need to configure the trust policy of the target role. Here is an example of the trust policy.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "<Kolena AWS role ARN>"
      "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
          "sts:ExternalId": "<External_id generated by Kolena>"

Please refer to AWS documents for details on Delegate access across AWS accounts using IAM roles.

At runtime, Kolena would pass in the target role and the external_id in environment variables KOLENA_EVALUATOR_ASSUME_ROLE_ARN and KOLENA_EVALUATOR_EXTERNAL_ID, respectively. The evaluator would then use AWS assume-role to transit into the intended target role, and use AWS APIs under the new role.

import os
import boto3

response = boto3.client("sts").assume_role(
credentials = response["Credentials"]

An example of making AWS API requests under the assumed role is shown below.

# use credentials to initialize AWS sessions/clients
client = boto3.client(