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Thresholded Results#

When to Use Thresholded Results#

Thresholded results give you the flexibility to enable threshold dependent metrics and plots. Below are a few common use cases.

  • When you want to calculate and compare metrics at different thresholds on Kolena. A common task for semantic segmentation or object detection tasks.
  • Plotting the Precision-Recall (PR) Curve dynamically based on your test cases.
  • Computing Average Precision dynamically based on your test cases.

Format and upload thresholded results#

A thresholded result consist of a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains:

  • A required numeric field named threshold (number).
  • An optional string field label (string).
  • Any other metrics for the label at that specific threshold (number).

For instance, in a semantic segmentation problem:

        "threshold": 0.3,
        "label": "train",
        "tp": 30,  # True Positives
        "fp": 20,  # False Positives
        "fn": 10,   # False Negatives
        "threshold": 0.4,
        "label": "train",
        "tp": 40,
        "fp": 20,
        "fn": 0,


The thresholded object should be added to a model result dataframe with at least one column other than the thresholded column that contains the threhoslded object.

Uploading Thresholded Results#

After generating your thresholded object, you can upload it to Kolena using the upload_results method:

from kolena.dataset import upload_results

def generate_thresholded_object():
    # Generate thresholded object based on your raw evaluation data and logic

df_results["thresholded"] = generate_thresholded_object()
upload_results("dataset_name", "model_name", df_results, thresholded_fields=["thresholded"])
Once you have uploaded your threhsolded results, you can setup Thresholded Object Metrics.


You can upload multiple thresholded object fields if needed.

Plots for Thresholded Object metrics#

You can find Kolena's plotting tools under the Debugger tab.

Task Plots#

Once on the Debugger tab, navigate to the "Task Plots" tab to view out-of-the-box plots. You are able to configure each plot based on the format of your Thresholded Results and your objectives.

Thresholded Plots Thresholded Plots

Precision vs Recall and F1 vs Threshold Plots