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Experimental Features#

kolena._experimental.quality_standard #

download_quality_standard_result(dataset, models, metric_groups=None, intersect_results=True, confidence_level=None, reference_model=None, reference_eval_config='first') #

Download quality standard result given a dataset and list of models.


Name Type Description Default
dataset str

The name of the dataset.

models List[str]

The names of the models.

metric_groups Union[List[str], None]

The names of the metric groups to include in the result.

intersect_results bool

If True, only include datapoint that are common to all models in the metrics calculation. Note all metric groups are included when this value is None.

confidence_level Optional[float]

The confidence score used to calculate the Margin of Error, representing the probability of capturing the true population parameter within the calculated MOE, we recommend setting between 0.9 - 0.99. If this is specified performance delta column will be shown, metric valued will be classified as improved, regressed, similar or unknown according to the MOE.

reference_model Optional[str]

The name of the model to use as a reference for the Margin of Error calculation. This should be one of the models provided in models. If unspecified, the first model of models will be used.

reference_eval_config Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], Literal['first']]]

The evaluation configuration to use in conjunction with the reference model, if unspecified the first evaluation configuration of the reference model will be used



Type Description

A Dataframe containing the quality standard result.

copy_quality_standards_from_dataset(dataset, source_dataset, include_metric_groups=True, include_test_cases=True) #

Create a quality standard on a dataset by copying from a source dataset. Note that this operation will overwrite the existing quality standards on the dataset if they exist.


Name Type Description Default
dataset str

The name of the dataset.

source_dataset str

The name of the dataset from which the quality standards should be copied.

include_metric_groups bool

Optional flag to indicate whether to copy the metric groups from the source dataset.

include_test_cases bool

Optional flag to indicate whether to copy the test cases from the source dataset.



Type Description
Tuple[List[Dict[str, Any]], List[Dict[str, Any]]]

A tuple of the created metric groups and test cases.

kolena._experimental.classification #

upload_multilabel_classification_results(dataset_name, model_name, df, *, ground_truths_field='ground_truths', raw_inferences_field='raw_inferences', gt_ignore_property=None, batch_size=10000, required_match_fields=None) #

Compute metrics and upload results of the model for the dataset.

Dataframe df should include all id columns that would match to that of corresponding datapoint and an inference column that should be a list of either str or scored / un-scored Labels.


Name Type Description Default
dataset_name str

Dataset name.

model_name str

Model name.

df DataFrame

Dataframe for model results.

ground_truths_field str

Field name in datapoint with ground truth labels, defaulting to "ground_truths".

raw_inferences_field str

Column in model result DataFrame with raw inference labels, defaulting to "raw_inferences". These inferences will be directly matched against the ground truths, and should be pre-filtered for any disqualifying factors, such as confidence.

gt_ignore_property Optional[str]

Name of a property on the ground truth labels used to determine if the label should be ignored. Labels will be ignored if this property exists and is equal to True.

batch_size int

number of results to process per iteration.

required_match_fields Optional[List[str]]

Optionally specify a list of fields that must match between the inference and ground truth for them to be considered a match. This only applies if both the ground truth and inference fields are lists of Labels.



Type Description

kolena._experimental.object_detection #

compute_object_detection_results(dataset_name, df, *, ground_truths_field='ground_truths', raw_inferences_field='raw_inferences', gt_ignore_property=None, iou_threshold=0.5, threshold_strategy='F1-Optimal', min_confidence_score=0.01, batch_size=10000) #

Compute metrics of the model for the dataset.

Dataframe df should include a locator column that would match to that of corresponding datapoint and an inference column that should be a list of scored BoundingBoxes.


Name Type Description Default
dataset_name str

Dataset name.

df DataFrame

Dataframe for model results.

ground_truths_field str

Field name in datapoint with ground truth bounding boxes, defaulting to "ground_truths".

raw_inferences_field str

Column in model result DataFrame with raw inference bounding boxes, defaulting to "raw_inferences".

gt_ignore_property Optional[str]

Field on the ground truth bounding boxes used to determine if the bounding box should be ignored. Bounding boxes will be ignored if this field exists and is equal to True.

iou_threshold float

The IoU ↗ threshold, defaulting to 0.5.

threshold_strategy Union[Literal['F1-Optimal'], float, Dict[str, float]]

The confidence threshold strategy. It can either be a fixed confidence threshold such as 0.5 or 0.75, or "F1-Optimal" to find the threshold maximizing F1 score.

min_confidence_score float

The minimum confidence score to consider for the evaluation. This is usually set to reduce noise by excluding inferences with low confidence score.

batch_size int

number of results to process per iteration.



Type Description

A DataFrame of the computed results

upload_object_detection_results(dataset_name, model_name, df, *, ground_truths_field='ground_truths', raw_inferences_field='raw_inferences', gt_ignore_property=None, iou_threshold=0.5, threshold_strategy='F1-Optimal', min_confidence_score=0.01, batch_size=10000, required_match_fields=None) #

Compute metrics and upload results of the model computed by compute_object_detection_results for the dataset.

Dataframe df should include a locator column that would match to that of corresponding datapoint and an inference column that should be a list of scored BoundingBoxes.


Name Type Description Default
dataset_name str

Dataset name.

model_name str

Model name.

df DataFrame

Dataframe for model results.

ground_truths_field str

Field name in datapoint with ground truth bounding boxes, defaulting to "ground_truths".

raw_inferences_field str

Column in model result DataFrame with raw inference bounding boxes, defaulting to "raw_inferences".

gt_ignore_property Optional[str]

Name of a property on the ground truth bounding boxes used to determine if the bounding box should be ignored. Bounding boxes will be ignored if this property exists and is equal to True.

iou_threshold float

The IoU ↗ threshold, defaulting to 0.5.

threshold_strategy Union[Literal['F1-Optimal'], float, Dict[str, float]]

The confidence threshold strategy. It can either be a fixed confidence threshold such as 0.5 or 0.75, or "F1-Optimal" to find the threshold maximizing F1 score.

min_confidence_score float

The minimum confidence score to consider for the evaluation. This is usually set to reduce noise by excluding inferences with low confidence score.

batch_size int

number of results to process per iteration.

required_match_fields Optional[List[str]]

Optionally specify a list of fields that must match between the inference and ground truth for them to be considered a match.



Type Description

kolena._experimental.instance_segmentation #

upload_instance_segmentation_results(dataset_name, model_name, df, *, ground_truths_field='ground_truths', raw_inferences_field='raw_inferences', iou_threshold=0.5, threshold_strategy='F1-Optimal', min_confidence_score=0.01, batch_size=10000) #

Compute metrics and upload results of the model for the dataset.

Dataframe df should include a locator column that would match to that of corresponding datapoint and an inference column that should be a list of scored Polygons.


Name Type Description Default
dataset_name str

Dataset name.

model_name str

Model name.

df DataFrame

Dataframe for model results.

ground_truths_field str

Field name in datapoint with ground truth polygons, defaulting to "ground_truths".

raw_inferences_field str

Column in model result DataFrame with raw inference polygons, defaulting to "raw_inferences".

iou_threshold float

The IoU ↗ threshold, defaulting to 0.5.

threshold_strategy Union[Literal['F1-Optimal'], float, Dict[str, float]]

The confidence threshold strategy. It can either be a fixed confidence threshold such as 0.5 or 0.75, or "F1-Optimal" to find the threshold maximizing F1 score..

min_confidence_score float

The minimum confidence score to consider for the evaluation. This is usually set to reduce noise by excluding inferences with low confidence score.



Type Description

kolena._experimental.trace #

kolena_trace(func=None, *, dataset_name=None, model_name=None, model_name_field=None, sync_interval=THIRTY_SECONDS, id_fields=None, record_timestamp=True) #

Use this decorator to trace the function with Kolena, the input and output of this function will be sent as datapoints and results respectively For example:

@kolena_trace(dataset_name="test_trace", id_fields=["request_id"], record_timestamp=False)
def predict(data, request_id):

def predict(data, request_id):


Name Type Description Default
func Optional[Callable]

The function to be traced, this is auto populated when used as a decorator

dataset_name Optional[str]

The name of the dataset to be created, if not provided the function name will be used

model_name Optional[str]

The name of the model to be created, if not provided the function name suffixed with _model will be used

model_name_field Optional[str]

The field in the input that should be used as model name, if this would override the model name

sync_interval int

The interval at which the data should be synced to the server, default is 30 seconds

id_fields Optional[List[str]]

The fields in the input that should be used as id fields, if not provided a default id field will be used

record_timestamp bool

If True, the timestamp of the input, output, and time elapsed will be recorded, default is True


kolena._experimental.dataset #

download_results_by_tag(dataset, model_tag, commit=None, include_extracted_properties=False) #

Download results given dataset name and model tag. Currently restricted to if the model tag is unique to the model.

Concat dataset with results:

df_dp, results = download_results_by_tag("dataset name", "model tag")
for eval_config, df_result in results:
    df_combined = pd.concat([df_dp, df_result], axis=1)


Name Type Description Default
dataset str

The name of the dataset.

model_tag str

The tag associated with the model.

commit Optional[str]

The commit hash for version control. Get the latest commit when this value is None.

include_extracted_properties bool

If True, include kolena extracted properties from automated extractions in the datapoints and results as separate columns



Type Description
Tuple[DataFrame, List[EvalConfigResults]]

Tuple of DataFrame of datapoints and list of EvalConfigResults.

kolena._experimental.special_data_type #

Special data types supported on the Kolena platform.

SpecialDataType #

Bases: TypedDataObject[_SpecialDataType]

The base class for all special data types.

Timestamp #

Bases: SpecialDataType


This class is considered experimental

Timestamp data type.

epoch_time: Optional[float] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The epoch time of the timestamp. If value and format are specified, the epoch_time will be calculated.

value: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The timestamp in a string representation. Note that GMT timezone is assumed unless the offset is specified in the string.

format: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The format of the value string following the python format codes. If not provided, the value will be parsed using python's fromisoformat().