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TestCase(name, version=None, description=None, test_samples=None, reset=False) #

Bases: Frozen

A test case holds a list of test samples paired with ground truths representing a testing dataset or a slice of a testing dataset.

Rather than importing this class directly, use the TestCase type definition returned from define_workflow.

workflow: Workflow instance-attribute #

The workflow of this test case. Automatically populated when constructing via test case type returned from define_workflow.

name: str instance-attribute #

The unique name of this test case. Cannot be changed after creation.

version: int instance-attribute #

The version of this test case. A test case's version is automatically incremented whenever it is edited via TestCase.edit.

description: str instance-attribute #

Free-form, human-readable description of this test case. Can be edited at any time via TestCase.edit.

Editor(description, reset) #

description(description) #

Update the description of the test case.

add(test_sample, ground_truth) #

Add a test sample to the test case. When the test sample already exists in the test case, its ground truth is overwritten with the ground truth provided here.


Name Type Description Default
test_sample TestSample

The test sample to add.

ground_truth GroundTruth

The ground truth for the test sample.


remove(test_sample) #

Remove a test sample from the test case. Does nothing if the test sample is not in the test case.


Name Type Description Default
test_sample TestSample

The test sample to remove.


create(name, description=None, test_samples=None) classmethod #

Create a new test case with the provided name.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the new test case to create.

description Optional[str]

Optional free-form description of the test case to create.

test_samples Optional[List[Tuple[TestSample, GroundTruth]]]

Optionally specify a set of test samples and ground truths to populate the test case.



Type Description

The newly created test case.

load(name, version=None) classmethod #

Load an existing test case with the provided name.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the test case to load.

version Optional[int]

Optionally specify a particular version of the test case to load. Defaults to the latest version when unset.



Type Description

The loaded test case.

load_test_samples() #

Load all TestSamples and GroundTruths contained in this test case.


Type Description
List[Tuple[TestSample, GroundTruth]]

A list of each test sample, paired with its ground truth, in this test case.

iter_test_samples() #

Iterate through all TestSamples and GroundTruths contained in this test case.


Type Description
Iterator[Tuple[TestSample, GroundTruth]]

An iterator yielding each test sample, paired with its ground truth, in this test case.

edit(reset=False) #

Edit this test case in a context:

with test_case.edit() as editor:
    # perform as many editing actions as desired

Changes are committed to the Kolena platform when the context is exited.


Name Type Description Default
reset bool

Clear all existing test samples in the test case.


init_many(data, reset=False) classmethod #


This function is considered experimental, so beware that it is subject to changes even in patch releases.

Create, load or edit multiple test cases.

test_cases = TestCase.init_many([
    ("test-case 1", [(test_sample_1, ground_truth_1), ...]),
    ("test-case 2", [(test_sample_2, ground_truth_2), ...])

test_suite = TestSuite("my test suite", test_cases=test_cases)

Changes are committed to the Kolena platform together. If there is an error, none of the edits would take effect.


Name Type Description Default
data List[Tuple[str, List[Tuple[TestSample, GroundTruth]]]]

A list of tuples where each tuple is a test case name and a set of test samples and ground truths tuples for the test case.

reset bool

If a test case of the same name already exists, overwrite with the provided test_samples.



Type Description

The test cases.