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Building a Workflow#


Kolena Workflows are simplified in Kolena Datasets. If you are setting up your Kolena environments for the first time, please refer to the Datasets Quickstart.

In this tutorial we'll learn how to use the kolena.workflow workflow builder definitions to test a Keypoint Detection model on the 300-W facial keypoint dataset. This demonstration will show us how we can build a workflow to test any arbitrary ML problem on Kolena.

Getting Started#

With the kolena Python client installed, first let's initialize a client session:

import kolena


The data used in this tutorial is publicly available in the kolena-public-datasets S3 bucket in a metadata.csv file:

import pandas as pd

DATASET = "300-W"
BUCKET = "s3://kolena-public-datasets"

df = pd.read_csv(f"{BUCKET}/{DATASET}/meta/metadata.csv", storage_options={"anon": True})

Note: s3fs dependency

To load CSVs directly from S3, make sure to install the s3fs Python module: pip3 install s3fs[boto3] and set up AWS credentials.

This metadata.csv file describes a keypoint detection dataset with the following columns:

Note: Five-point facial keypoints array

For brevity, the 300-W dataset has been pared down to only 5 keypoints: outermost corner of each eye, bottom of nose, and corners of the mouth.

Example image and five-point facial keypoints array from 300-W.
Example image and five-point facial keypoints array from 300-W.

  • locator: location of the image in S3
  • normalization_factor: normalization factor of the image. This is used to normalize the error by providing a factor for each image. Common techniques for computation include the Euclidean distance between two points or the diagonal measurement of the image.
  • points: stringified list of coordinates corresponding to the (x, y) coordinates of the keypoint ground truths

Each locator is present exactly one time and contains the keypoint ground truth for that image. In this tutorial, we're implementing our workflow with support for only a single keypoint instance per image, but we could easily adapt our ground truth, inference, and metrics types to accommodate a variable number of keypoint arrays per image.

Step 1: Defining Data Types#

When building your own workflow you have control over the TestSample (e.g. image), GroundTruth (e.g. 5-element facial keypoint array), and Inference types used in your project.

Test Sample Type#

For the purposes of this tutorial, let's assume our model takes a single image as input along with an optional bounding box around the face in question, produced by an upstream model in our pipeline. We can import and extend the kolena.workflow.Image test sample type for this purpose:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional

from kolena.workflow import Image
from kolena.workflow.annotation import BoundingBox

class TestSample(Image):
    bbox: Optional[BoundingBox] = None

Ground Truth Type#

Next, let's define our GroundTruth type, typically containing the manually-annotated information necessary to evaluate model inferences:

from kolena.workflow import GroundTruth as GT
from kolena.workflow.annotation import Keypoints

class GroundTruth(GT):
    keypoints: Keypoints

    # In order to compute normalized error, some normalization factor describing
    # the size of the face in the image is required.
    normalization_factor: float

Inference Type#

Lastly, we'll define our Inference type, containing model outputs that are evaluated against a ground truth. Note that our model produces not only a Keypoints array, but also an associated confidence value that we may use to ignore low-confidence predictions:

from kolena.workflow import Inference as Inf

class Inference(Inf):
    keypoints: Keypoints
    confidence: float

With our test sample, ground truth, and inference defined, we can now use define_workflow to declare our workflow:

from kolena.workflow import define_workflow

# use these TestCase, TestSuite, and Model definitions to create and run tests
_, TestCase, TestSuite, Model = define_workflow(
    "Keypoint Detection", TestSample, GroundTruth, Inference

Step 2: Defining Metrics#

With our core data types defined, the next step is to lay out our evaluation criteria: our metrics.

Test Sample Metrics#

Test Sample Metrics (MetricsTestSample) are metrics computed from a single test sample and its associated ground truths and inferences.

For the keypoint detection workflow, an example metric may be normalized mean error (NME), the normalized distance between the ground truth and inference keypoints.

from kolena.workflow import MetricsTestSample

class TestSampleMetrics(MetricsTestSample):
    normalized_mean_error: float

    # If the normalized mean error is above some configured threshold, this test
    # sample is considered an "alignment failure".
    alignment_failure: bool

Test Case Metrics#

Test case metrics (MetricsTestCase) are aggregate metrics computed across a population. All of your standard evaluation metrics should go here โ€” things like accuracy, precision, recall, or any other aggregate metrics that apply to your problem.

For keypoint detection, we care about the mean NME and alignment failure rate across the different test samples in a test case:

from kolena.workflow import MetricsTestCase

class TestCaseMetrics(MetricsTestCase):
    mean_nme: float
    alignment_failure_rate: float

Tip: Plots

Evaluators can also compute test-case-level plots using the Plot API. These plots are visualized on the Results dashboard alongside the metrics reported for each test case.

Tip: Test Suite Metrics

Metrics can also be computed per test suite by extending MetricsTestSuite.

Test suite metrics typically measure variance in performance across different test cases, being used e.g. to measure fairness across demographics for a test suite with test cases stratifying by demographic.

Step 3: Creating Tests#

With our data already in an S3 bucket and metadata loaded into memory, we can start creating test cases!

Let's create a simple test case containing the entire dataset:

import json

test_samples = [TestSample(locator) for locator in df["locator"]]
ground_truths = [
    for record in df.itertuples()
ts_with_gt = list(zip(test_samples, ground_truths))
test_case = TestCase(f"{DATASET} :: basic", test_samples=ts_with_gt)

Note: Creating test cases

In this tutorial we created only a single simple test case, but more advanced test cases can be generated in a variety of fast and scalable ways, either programmatically with the kolena Python client or visually in the Studio.

Now that we have a basic test case for our entire dataset let's create a test suite for it:

test_suite = TestSuite(f"{DATASET} :: basic", test_cases=[test_case])

Step 4: Running Tests#

With basic tests defined for the 300-W dataset, we're almost ready to start testing our models.

Implementing an Evaluator#

Core to the testing process is the Evaluator implementation to compute the metrics defined in step 2. Usually, an evaluator simply plugs your existing metrics computation logic into the class-based or function-based evaluator interface.

Evaluators can have arbitrary configuration (EvaluatorConfiguration), allowing you to evaluate model performance under a variety of conditions. For this keypoint detection example, perhaps we want to compute performance at a few different NME threshold values, as this threshold drives the alignment_failure metric.

from kolena.workflow import EvaluatorConfiguration

class NmeThreshold(EvaluatorConfiguration):
    # threshold for NME above which an image is considered an "alignment failure"
    threshold: float

    def display_name(self):
        return f"NME threshold: {self.threshold}"

Here, we'll mock out an evaluator implementation using the function-based interface:

from random import random
from typing import List

from kolena.workflow import EvaluationResults, TestCases

def evaluate_keypoint_detection(
    test_samples: List[TestSample],
    ground_truths: List[GroundTruth],
    inferences: List[Inference],
    test_cases: TestCases,
    configuration: NmeThreshold,  # uncomment when configuration is used
) -> EvaluationResults:
    # compute per-sample metrics for each test sample
    per_sample_metrics = [
        TestSampleMetrics(normalized_mean_error=random(), alignment_failure=bool(random() > 0.5))
        for gt, inf in zip(ground_truths, inferences)

    # compute aggregate metrics across all test cases using `test_cases.iter(...)`
    aggregate_metrics = []
    for test_case, *s in test_cases.iter(test_samples, ground_truths, inferences, per_sample_metrics):
        test_case_metrics = TestCaseMetrics(mean_nme=random(), alignment_failure_rate=random())
        aggregate_metrics.append((test_case, test_case_metrics))

    return EvaluationResults(
        metrics_test_sample=list(zip(test_samples, per_sample_metrics)),

Running tests#

To test our models, we can define an infer function that maps the TestSample object we defined above into an Inference:

from random import randint

def infer(test_sample: TestSample) -> Inference:
    1. load the image pointed to at `test_sample.locator`
    2. pass the image to our model and transform its output into an `Inference` object

    # Generate the dummy inference for the demo purpose.
    return Inference(Keypoints([(randint(100, 400), randint(100, 400)) for _ in range(5)]), random())

model = Model("example-model-name", infer=infer, metadata=dict(
    description="Any freeform metadata can go here",
    hint="It may be helpful to include information about the model's framework, training methodology, dataset, etc.",

We now have the pieces in place to run tests on our new workflow using test:

from kolena.workflow import test

    configurations=[NmeThreshold(0.01), NmeThreshold(0.05), NmeThreshold(0.1)],

That wraps up the testing process! We can now visit Results to analyze and debug our model's performance on this test suite.


In this tutorial we learned how to build a workflow for an arbitrary ML problem, using a facial keypoint detection model as an example. We created new tests, tested our models on Kolena, and learned how to customize evaluation to fit our exact expectations.

This tutorial just scratches the surface of what's possible with Kolena and covered a fraction of the kolena API โ€” now that we're up and running, we can think about ways to create more detailed tests, improve existing tests, and dive deep into model behaviors.