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In Kolena, a model is a deterministic transformation from test samples to inferences.

Kolena only stores metadata associated with your model in its Models registry. Models themselves — their code or their weights — are never uploaded to Kolena, only the inferences from models.

Models are considered black boxes, which makes Kolena agnostic to the underlying framework and architecture. It's possible to test any sort of model, from deep learning to rules-based, on Kolena.

Creating Models#

The Model class is used to programmatically create models for testing. Rather than importing the class from kolena.workflow directly, use the Model definition returned from define_workflow bound to the test sample and inference types for your workflow:

from kolena.workflow import define_workflow

from my_workflow import MyTestSample, MyGroundTruth, MyInference

*_, Model = define_workflow("My Workflow", MyTestSample, MyGroundTruth, MyInference)

With this class, models can be created, loaded, and updated:

my_model = Model("example-model")

Implementing infer#

To test a model using the test method, a Model.infer implementation must be provided. infer is where the model itself — the deterministic transformation from test sample to inference — lives.

# in practice, use TestSample and Inference types from your workflow
from kolena.workflow import TestSample, Inference

def infer(test_sample: TestSample) -> Inference:

When running a model live, this function usually involves loading the image/document/etc. from the TestSample, passing it to your model, and constructing an Inference object from the model outputs. When loading results from e.g. a CSV, this function is often just a lookup.

Example: Loading inferences from CSV

This example considers a classification workflow using the Image test sample type and the following inference type:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional

from kolena.workflow import Inference
from kolena.workflow.annotation import ScoredClassificationLabel

class MyInference(Inference):
    # use Optional to accommodate missing inferences
    prediction: Optional[ScoredClassificationLabel] = None

With inferences stored in an inferences.csv with the locator, label and score columns, implementing infer as a lookup is straightforward:

import pandas as pd
from kolena.workflow import Image

from my_workflow import MyInference

inference_by_locator = {
    record.locator: MyInference(prediction=ScoredClassificationLabel(
    )) for record in pd.read_csv("inferences.csv").itertuples()

def infer(test_sample: Image) -> MyInference:
    return inference_by_locator.get(test_sample.locator, MyInference())

Note: Ensure that models are deterministic

To preserve reproducibility, ensure that models tested in Kolena are deterministic.

This is particularly important for generative models. If your model has a random seed parameter, consider including the random seed value used for testing as a piece of metadata attached to the model.


When creating a model, you have the option to specify free-form metadata to associate with the model. This metadata can be useful to track relevant information about the model, such as:

  • Framework (e.g. PyTorch, TensorFlow, custom, etc.) and version used
  • Person who trained the model, e.g.
  • GitHub branch, file, or commit hash used to run the model
  • Links to your experimentation tracking system
  • Free-form notes about methodology or observations
  • Location in e.g. S3 where the model's weights are stored
  • Training dataset specifier or URL
  • Hyperparameters applied during training

Metadata can be specified on the command line or edited on the web on the Models page.

FAQ & Best Practices#

How should models be named?

Two factors influence model naming:

  1. A model's name is unique, and
  2. A model is deterministic.

This means that anything that may change your model's outputs, such as environment or packaging, should be tracked as a new model! We recommend storing a variety of information in the model name, for example:

  • Model architecture, e.g. YOLOR-D6
  • Input size, e.g. 1280x1280
  • Framework, e.g. pytorch-1.7
  • Additional tracking information, such as its name in Weights & Biases, e.g. helpful-meadow-5

An example model name may therefore be:

helpful-meadow-5 (YOLOR-D6, 1280x1280, pytorch-1.7)

Model names can be edited on the web on the Models page.