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Automatically Extract Bounding Box Properties#

To help with understanding of data and discovering untested scenarios, Kolena automatically extracts a number of properties from bounding boxes used to mark ground truth or model results.

The extraction happens automatically when bounding boxes are uploaded onto the platform. This document outlines what they are and how to configure them.

Configuring Bounding Box Property Extraction#

Bounding box extraction happens automatically on Kolena when data is uploaded or modified. To configure the properties extracted, navigate to the extractions tab in your dataset and select which extractions you are interested in.


It is best practice to group bounding boxes of interest separately. For example, when uploading model results, you should group your True Positive, False Negative and False Positive bounding boxes in separate lists.

Configuring Bounding Box Extractions Configuring Bounding Box Extractions

Access Bounding Box extraction configuration

Available Bounding Box Properties#

The following properties are available for automatic bounding box property extraction. There are two types of properties:

  1. Bounding Box Property: the property related to a single bounding box
  2. Bounding Box Group Property: the property related to the group of bounding boxes uploaded in a list of bounding boxes.
Feature Name Brief Description Property Type
Aspect Ratio The aspect ratio of the bounding box (width / height) Bounding Box Property
Relative Area The relative area of the bounding box with respect to the image (area of bbox / area of image) Bounding Box Property
Relative Distance To Image Center The Euclidean distance between the bounding box's center and the center of the image Bounding Box Property
Object Count Count the number of bounding boxes in the group Bounding Box Group Property
Object Type Count Count the types of objects in the group according to label field Bounding Box Group Property
Combined Area Ratio Sum of the bounding box size ratio in the group (sum(bounding box area / image area)) Bounding Box Group Property
Bbox Intersection Sum of the IOU of all bounding box pairs in the group Bounding Box Group Property
Entropy Of Distribution Entropy of the distribution of bounding boxes within a 3 by 3 grid Bounding Box Group Property
Mean Aspect Ratio The mean of the aspect ratios of a group of bounding boxes Bounding Box Group Property
Mean Distance Between Bboxes The mean of the Euclidean distance between each pair of bounding box in the group Bounding Box Group Property
Mean Relative Area The mean of the relative area of bounding boxes in the group Bounding Box Group Property
Mean Relative Distance To Image Center The mean of the relative distance between each of the bounding box and the image center in the group Bounding Box Group Property
Std Aspect Ratio The standard deviation of the aspect ratios of a group of bounding boxes Bounding Box Group Property
Std Distance Between Bboxes The standard deviation of the Euclidean distance between each pair of bounding box in the group Bounding Box Group Property
Std Relative Area The standard deviation of the relative area of bounding boxes in the group Bounding Box Group Property
Std Relative Distance To Image Center The standard deviation of the relative distance between each of the bounding box and the image center in the group Bounding Box Group Property

Feature Descriptions#

Aspect Ratio#

Aspect Ratio measures the ratio of the bounding box width to its height. It can be useful in scenarios where the bounding box shape or dimensions impact the analysis or model performance.

\[ \text{Aspect Ratio} = \frac{\text{Bounding Box Width}}{\text{Bounding Box Height}} \]

Relative Area#

Relative Area measures the ratio of the bounding box area to the area of the image its referenced to. It can be useful to identify relatively large or small bounding boxes.

\[ \text{Relative Area} = \frac{\text{Bounding Box Area}}{\text{Image Area}} \]

Relative Distance To Image Center#

Relative Distance To Image Center measures the distance between the center of the bounding box and center of the image it is referencing. It can be used to monitor model performance based on how far the object is from the center of the image.

Object Count#

Object Count is a simple count of bounding boxes in a group of bounding boxes. You can use this value to monitor how your model performance changes when there are a few or many objects to detect in an image.

Object Type Count#

Object Type Count counts the number of labels in a list of bounding boxes. You can use this count to see how your models perform when classifying a few or many different objects in a scene.

Combined Area Ratio#

Combined Area Ratio is the sum of area bounding box area ratios (sum(bounding box area/image area)).

Bbox Intersection#

Bbox Intersection is the sum of Intersection over union ratios of pairs of bounding boxes in a group bounding boxes. This property is a good indication of potential duplicate detections or density of overlapping bounding boxes in an image.

Mean Aspect Ratio#

Mean Aspect Ratio is the average of aspect ratios of bounding boxes in a list of bounding boxes. You can use this property if your model performance may depend on shape of the objects in the image.

Entropy Of Distribution#

Entropy Of Distribution is a measure of how spread apart bounding boxes in a given group are. It is a good measure to see if model performs differently based on how the bounding boxes are spread in a scene.

Mean Distance Between Bboxes#

Mean Distance Between Bboxes is the mean of the Euclidean distance between each pair of bounding box in the group. You can use this property to develope a sense for density of bounding boxes and how that relates to model performance.

Mean Relative Area#

Mean Relative Area is the average of relative area described above.

Mean Relative Distance To Image Center#

Mean Relative Distance To Image Center is the average of Euclidean distance between the center of each bounding box and the center of the image.

Std Aspect Ratio#

Std Aspect Ratio is the standard deviation of aspect ratio in a list of bounding boxes.

Std Distance Between Bboxes#

Std Distance Between Bboxes is the standard deviation of distance of each pair of bounding boxes in a list of bounding boxes.

Std Relative Area#

Std Relative Area is the standard deviation of relative area of a bounding box over the image in a list of bounding boxes.

Std Relative Distance To Image Center#

Std Relative Distance To Image Center is the standard deviation of Euclidean distance between the center of a bounding box to the center of the image in a list of bounding boxes.