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Difficulty Score#

Difficulty scores are automatically computed within Kolena to surface datapoints that commonly contribute to poor model performance. Difficulty scores consider a user's custom Quality Standard configuration to make an informed assessment of which datapoints lead to the greatest recurring problems across all models using multiple performance indicators. Difficulty scores range from 0 to 1, where a lower difficulty score indicates that models produce the ideal datapoint-level metrics (e.g. lower inference time, higher accuracy), and a higher difficulty score indicates that models consistently face problems or "difficulty" (e.g. longer inference time, lower BLEU scores, and/or lower recall).


To see an example of the Difficulty Score in action, checkout the Object Detection (COCO 2014) on


For Kolena to calculate the datapoint.difficulty_score you must have:

When one model is selected in Studio, the difficulty score of a datapoint is the difficulty score derived from that model's results. When more than one model is considered, the overall difficulty score of a datapoint (datapoint.difficulty_score) is the average value from each difficulty score from each model's results.

Using Difficulty Scores for Regression Testing

When two models called A and B are selected in Studio, users can see two model-level difficulty scores, and one overall difficulty score for any datapoint. With a filter for resultB.difficulty_score > resultA.difficulty_score, we find all the datapoints that performed worse for model B, which highlights the regressions.

With a filter for datapoint.difficulty_score > 0.9, we see all the datapoints that significantly struggle across both models, which are common failures that persist over different model iterations.

Implementation Details#

Suppose we have defined quality standards composed of various metrics and performance indicators. Some of these will be metrics like ROUGE or accuracy where higher values are better (HIB, higher is better), but it is desirable for word_error_rate or cost to be minimized (LIB, lower is better). Using the results of some model A, we can compute model-level difficulty scores for A, denoted as resultA.difficulty_score.

To describe the computation of difficulty scores at a high level:

\[ \text{resultA.difficulty_score} = \sum_{i=1}^{QS} w_i \cdot \text{norm}(q_i) \]
\[ \text{datapoint.difficulty_score} = \frac{1}{len(M)} \sum_{m}^{M} \text{result\{m\}.difficulty_score} \]


  • \( QS \) is the set of quality standards
  • \( w_i \) represents the weight for each quality standard \( i \)
  • \( q_i \) represents the value of the quality standard \( i \), inverted if necessary
  • \( \text{norm}(q_i) \) indicates the normalized value of the quality standard \( q_i \)
  • \( M \) is the set of chosen models, such as models A, B, and C

Important Note

Note that datapoint.difficulty_score is the average of all relevant model-level resultX.difficulty_score values.

Below is a detailed example of how resultA.difficulty_score is computed using cost, recall, and accuracy:

import pandas as pd

# names of quality standards where "lower is better"
LIB = ['cost']

# names of quality standards where "higher is better"
HIB = ['recall', 'accuracy']

# the name of the column for unique identifiers to a datapoint
id_column = 'id'

quality_standards = LIB + HIB
weights = [1/len(quality_standards)] * len(quality_standards) # weighting can be customized

model_results_csv = "path-to-first-model-results.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(model_results_csv, usecols=[id_column] + quality_standards)

def add_model_difficulty_score(df, lib, hib, weights):
    Adds difficulty scores to datapoints in dataframe provided a quality standard configuration.

    qs = lib + hib
    for col in qs:
        df[col] = df[col].astype(float)

        # invert HIB values such that higher values yield lower difficulty scores
        if col in hib:
            df[col] = df[col] * -1.0

        # normalize the column
        min_val = df[col].min()
        max_val = df[col].max()
        df[col] = (df[col] - min_val) / (max_val - min_val)

    df["difficulty_score"] = df[qs].dot(weights) # weighted sum
    return df

df = add_model_difficulty_score(df, LIB, HIB, weights)


  1. Begin with a CSV of model results.

    id recall (HIB) cost (LIB) accuracy (HIB)
    1 0.10 3.14 0.50
    2 0.50 0.90 0.80
    3 0.90 0.01 0.99
    4 0.60 0.50 0.55
  2. Invert every HIB column.

    id recall (HIB) cost (LIB) accuracy (HIB)
    1 -0.10 3.14 -0.50
    2 -0.50 0.90 -0.80
    3 -0.90 0.01 -0.99
    4 -0.60 0.50 -0.55
  3. Normalize every column.

    id recall (HIB) cost (LIB) accuracy (HIB)
    1 1.00 1.00 1.00
    2 0.50 0.284 0.387
    3 0.00 0.00 0.00
    4 0.375 0.156 0.898
  4. Compute difficulty scores using weighted sums for each datapoint.

    id recall (HIB) cost (LIB) accuracy (HIB) difficulty_score
    1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
    2 0.50 0.284 0.387 0.390
    3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    4 0.375 0.156 0.898 0.476

    Below is the math behind the 2nd datapoint's (id == 2) difficulty score assuming equal weighting:

    \[ \begin{align} \text{difficulty_score} &= \frac{1}{3} * 0.5 + \frac{1}{3} * 0.284 + \frac{1}{3} * 0.387 \\[1em] &= 0.390 \end{align} \]

We have computed a new column of difficulty scores for each datapoint based on the quality standards set by the user. If we were to add a new model, then the overall difficulty score would be the average of difficulty scores across each model.

id resultA.difficulty_score resultB.difficulty_score resultC.difficulty_score datapoint.difficulty_score
1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.30
2 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.37
3 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4

From the table above, we see that the 2nd datapoint performs very poorly on the 2nd model (resultB) with a difficulty score of 0.9, while the 3rd datapoint has 0.2 just underneath. However, the computed difficulty_score values indicate that the 3rd datapoint is repeatedly the most challenging datapoint for the models based on the defined quality standard.

Difficulty Scores for Task Metrics#

Difficulty scores for task metrics are aggregate metrics that do not offer datapoint-level details of performance. However, the information provided to an aggregate metric is sufficient in establishing difficulty scores at the datapoint level, similar to datapoint-level inference_time or cost.

Binary Classification and Regression#

The difficulty score is the absolute error between the model result and the ground truth value.

Suppose in a binary classification problem, a model's inference is binarized by the threshold of 0.5, so the positive class would be defined by values 0.5 to 1.0, and values of the negative class would be from 0.0 to 0.5.

id ground_truth inference Δ norm(Δ)
1 1 0.01 0.99 1.00
2 1 0.49 0.51 0.51
3 1 0.50 0.50 0.50
4 1 0.80 0.20 0.19
5 0 0.01 0.01 0.00
6 0 0.49 0.49 0.49
7 0 0.50 0.50 0.50
8 0 0.80 0.80 0.81

In the case of regression problems, difficulty can be measured in a similar way using the magnitude of the difference between the ground truth and the inference.

id ground_truth inference Δ norm(Δ)
1 1 1 0 0.00
2 2 1 1 0.08
3 3 2 1 0.08
4 4 3 1 0.08
5 5 5 0 0.00
6 6 8 2 0.15
7 7 13 6 0.46
8 8 21 13 1.00

The greater the distance the inference is from the ground truth, the greater the difficulty of that datapoint. These normalized Δ column, called a norm(Δ) column, becomes another column in step 4 of the example above which is parallel to cost or recall. Then, it can be involved in the computation of the overall datapoint.difficulty_score.

Multiclass Classification#

The Δ column for a datapoint of a multiclass classification task is the count of misclassifications for the datapoint. For example, with three models the best case is a count of zero mistakes and the worst case sums to three mistakes. Like the binary classification and regression task, the norm(Δ) column normalizes Δ to be used in computing the overall datapoint.difficulty_score.

Object Detection#

The Δ column for an object detection task is the F1-score computed using the total number of TP / FP / FN counts. If recall is more important, this can become the default signal instead of F1-scores at the datapoint level. Like the other tasks, the norm(Δ) column normalizes Δ to be used in computing the overall datapoint.difficulty_score.

Limitations and Biases#

Difficulty scores require well-configured quality standards and perform better with multiple metrics and indicators involved. Difficulty scores are not as useful unless multiple models are involved.

It is hard to interpret the value of a difficulty score directly, as it is an aggregate signal reflecting quality standards relative to all models of interest with all their results.